Friday, October 12, 2012

Don't faint !!!

Don't faint - I'm actually posting a blog!!!!

Well, I didnt want to blog about what I was planning to achieve until I had achieved something!  So, as I had whinged before that I had put on weight (10kgs / 22lbs to be precise) I decided to do what always works for me and that is a ketosis diet.  Thats one serve of complex carbs in the morning and protein and veg / salad for the rest of the day.  Your body goes into ketosis and burns fat for fuel rather than carbs.  Normally it takes up to a week to get "into" ketosis but my almost dead metabolism took 4 weeks to do this.  It was soooooo dis-heartening during those 4 weeks but I stuck to it coz I knew it works for me.  So, how much have I lost, you ask ????
7.5 kgs  (16.5 lbs) in 10 weeks
I still have a bit more to go but I'm not taking any notice of the scales anymore and relying on my size 10 skinny jeans as a guide (not sure what size that is in US but a friend who wears the same size  jeans as me went to America recently and she said she was fitting into 6 sometimes a 5 in jeans).
So, what exercise did I do ?
Walking !!!!
Thats it!  10,000 steps is your goal - either incidental or intentional.  Some days I did nothing.  Its almost diet alone.  This is a typical kind of days eating plan.
M1   1/2 cup multigrain oats made on water,  5 egg white omelette, skinny capaccino
M2    low carb protein bar and skinny capaccino
M3    unlimited salad and tuna/chicken/beef/ham (100g) with evoo and balsamic
M4    protein and unlimited veg  (ate alot of fish mainly coz it was easy to prepare as its frozen fillets, skinless and in the freezer and easy to put in foil in the oven) 
M5     1/2 protein bar or fat free low carb yogurt and a cup of tea (normally after my walk or treadmill at the gym.
Veg is low carb so no peas corn carrot pumpkin potato but lots of cauli, broc mushrooms eggplant capsicums onion zucc beans tomatoes etc.
So,  my upper body is lovely and lean, very slim waist, hips OK, then ....... thunder thighs and saddlebags.  So I'm thinking of incorporating some weights for the lower half to speed things up.  I'll just see how I go for energy coz of the low carb thing.  Yes I'm skinny fat (kinda) but I'm happy with that until the butt goes.  Then its full steam ahead with my beloved weights and additional serve of complex cabs !!!!
So, here is a bit of inspiration that I hav pinned on my board in my kitchen !!!

I will do some measurements for my next blog to help with my motivation.
Have a great weekend!


  1. Great to see you posting here again. And congrats on the weight loss. It's so not easy is it but at least you know what works for you.

  2. Yay it's great to see you back! I'm glad you're still working on your goals... all it matters is that you work on them little by little. The process is the fun part right? I love your motivation photo btw! Great to see you in the blog world Amanda!

  3. she's baaaaaaaaack!!!!! yay!

  4. Amazing blog, congratulate you on your success in weight loss. Eating right kind of diet and doing high intense workout help you in losing weight. Thanks for sharing it with it. Keep it up.

    Tacoma weight loss
