Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 9

Wow - what a difference a competition makes!!! I have had so many opportunities to eat crap and earn a penalty point but have stopped and thought "no, i'm in a contest and i'm NOT going to spoil/lose it". It's worked! I even walked into McDonalds and got something for Brooke after cheerleading tonight and I DIDN'T GET ANYTHING!!!! OMG Maccas is my fav takeaway. Sorry to say Roxie, but this is rockin' for me at the moment!!
Plus I did my fortnightly measurements and things are slowing down. I don't know what more I can do. I'm going to be a bag of bones upper half with jiggly thighs and bum downstairs!! *scream*
I put on my last year skinny jeans to wear tonight and they were a bit tight in the wrong places so i'm fatter than what i was last year :(
Ayway, gotta seriously think about this 60 day challenge thing, tweak my workouts - not sure.
Oh, BTW Charlotte - Panadol is Aussie paracetamol (pain killer) you buy at the supermarket!! i keep forgetting the o/s readers lol!
My pillow is calling me!
seeya ...


  1. Hey Amanda! You're going to be fine! Just keep on going! Good for you for being strong! It's hard!!! Remember that once the fat is gone in one area your body has no choice but to lean out from where the fat is left! So hang in there.. it will come off from your lower area!

    Keep up the good work!

  2. You are doing amazing Amanda. Isn't it frustrating when our bodies don't behave or do what we think they should. I think the only thing to do is keep with it, be consistent, and eventually you will see the results you so deserve. Not giving up is critical, and where I tend I fail :-(.

  3. I am in the same boat with you...screaming at my lower half! Don't second guess yourself, you are doing the right thing. I agree with Ana C., your body will have no choice but to change. Hang in there! You are doing AWESOME!
